2024 Clinical Areas of Interest (AOIs)
The 2024 AOIs for NICO’s IIS Program and other research initiatives revolve around three concepts. Study design should consider the full picture of care and emphasize how NICO technologies contribute to advancing evidence across three key areas:
- Clinical Outcomes
- Efficiency
- Economics
Within these concepts, special interest is placed on disease states where solutions for care are vital:
- Glioblastoma (and other malignant brain tumors)
- Recurrent disease
- Meningioma
- Advancing efficacy data around surgical intervention for Anterior Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage using minimally invasive parafascicular surgery
- Tract recovery and other imaging analyses which may impact functional outcome (ABG and tumor)
Below is a short list of potential research opportunities that will be considered and reviewed by the IIS Scientific Review Committee:
- Preservation and consideration of fascicular anatomy and healthy tissue during subcortical access
- Expansion from traditional tumor management to appropriate surgical intervention made possible with safe trans-sulcal access
- Impact of minimally invasive parafascicular surgical access across three key AOI concepts
- Clinical impact/novel possibilities in ICH (see Post-ENRICH AOIs)
- Science quantifying and supporting distal light delivery in narrow corridors during fluorescence-guided surgery for cellular excitation, tissue illumination and differentiation
- Utilization of technology to navigate, regionalize, collect, and analyze tumor heterogeneity beyond current standards
- Methods in neurosurgeon workflow for tissue procurement, immediate intraoperative preservation, and transfer from operating room for internal/external research use
- Clinical impact/novel possibilities in ICH (see Post-ENRICH & Vascular AOIs)
Collection & Preservation*
- Methods of maintaining/improving biological tissue microenvironment and cell viability in the operating room
- Methods of advanced modern biobanking supported through NICO technologies
- Methods allowing for longitudinal genomic profiling providing information on mutation of primary disease and treatment impact
*Proposals should consider the unmet needs of tissue collection and preservation, for reference:
- Lancet Oncol 2023; 24:e438-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00453-9
- Nature Medicine 2023; 29:2402-2405. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02464-8
- Neuro-Oncology 2018; 20(7):873-884. https://doi.org/10.1093/neuonc/noy020
Post-ENRICH Areas of Interest
Post-ENRICH Areas of Interest can be found here.
Should you have specific questions about the process or program, please contact us.